The Bleeding House |
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
(Didn't Like It)
Netflix* Synopsis: The isolated life of a family living in suburban Texas is interrupted when a charming stranger comes to their door in this tension-filled thriller. The visitor, whose own intentions are unclear, soon uncovers dark secrets in the family's past.
The Peeps: Philip Gelatt (writer; director); Alexander Chando, Patrick Breen
Quick Run Down: Slow Burn, Not Necessarily Predictable But Nothing Surprising Happens
Worth The Watch?: Eh - It's not bad, It's not good...
The Bleeding House connects us with the Smith Family, a family of 4 that apparently have a hideous secret buried in their past that the town they live in, their neighbors, their friends, and even themselves can't seem to get over. Whatever the secret is, it leads the mother to lock up all the knives and lock her daughter in her room. The audience doesn't know what it is, but it must be one helluva deal...
This isn't a bad movie. It has a decent premise that amounts to a basic plot and slow burn script. There's not a lot of effects at play, and the cinematography is pretty straightforward. The only thing that really shines through the whole film is Patrick Breen, who plays Nick. He's not awesome, as his character isn't very awesome, but in most cases, he's what holds the film together and makes it worth watching. He has some really good lines that create an interesting backdrop for the secrecy the Smith family upholds. But, again, the film just really isn't worth watching. Not much happens and, when it does happen, it's not predictable but it's not surprising either. I honestly shy away from just saying skip this one because it's Gelatt's first feature and, in that context, I suppose it's not bad. All that aside though, I still have to be honest and say pass this one up. Unless you're just interested in seeing the first feature of a possible up and coming talent, it's really not worth it.
Whatever your choice, The Bleeding House is on Netflix. It's not bad, but it's not good either...
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