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Netflix* Synopsis: Five people must bunk together for six months as part of a reality TV show with a $1 million prize. But if even one person leaves, no one wins a cent.
The Peeps: Mark Evans (director); David Hilton (writer); Laura Regan, Sean CW Johnson, Jennifer Sky, Stephen O'Reilly, Kris Lemche, Bradley Cooper (!)
Quick Run Down: Atmospheric and Tense, Decent Scares
Worth the Watch?: Sure, why not?
The film is a slow burn, with a lot of dialogue and the whodunit theorizing going on, but the red herrings build the suspense and tension of the story to make the film more and more interesting. The climax was a bit much for me, but it makes sense in context of the story. The acting is overall decent, but Kris Lemche (Rex) does a really good job. His voice grows stronger and more pertinent as the film progresses, and he turns out to be a pretty important character despite his caustic attitude. Also, Bradley Cooper stops by for a few scenes, supposedly a drifting skiier whose car has broken down and he's trying to make his way back to civilization. Considering the success he'll go on to sow, it's cool to see him in an independent flick, and his role in the film pushes the suspense and questions of the film that much further. There are some good scares that happen, the most notable ones revolving around sound, but some visual tricks are still used to provide a few jolts.
So, overall, My Little Eye is a good flick that doesn't make a huge splash in the pond of Horror but is still a good watch on a quiet Saturday night. Turn off all the lights and have a view - it's on Netflix!
"It was the kindest thing to do."
*Disclaimer: Netflix is TM and copyrighted; all rights reserved. Any material used or stemming from the site is theirs, exclusively. This site is not, in any way, affiliated with Netflix. It's only a horror hound's effort to help consumers find the best (and worse) horror movies available on the website. Happy watching!
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